I wrote a book about AI, using AI.
For the last few months I have been playing around with Chat GPT. I’ve used it to help with my gym, I’ve been using it with my calisthenics goals and I’ve just been having fun with it in general (see my previous blog post). I wanted to learn more about using AI to improve my fitness so I went to Amazon to buy a book on it. I found one for fitness coaches but it didn’t tell me anything I wanted to know. I browsed Barnes and Noble and didn’t find anything either. So I decided at 1am on a Saturday night to make a book on it.
Using Chat GPT, my fitness knowledge, curiosity and a lot of excitement - I stayed up until 4am that night creating an outline because it was so much fun. Over the next two weeks I would work on it at night with the large amount of progress being made on the weekends. Fast forward to now and I am a published author using Amazon’s self publishing program.
It is titled The AI Fitness Blueprint and I think it’s pretty rad. It is about how to use ChatGPT as a companion and tool in your fitness journey. I learned a lot while making it and now I have a great idea for my next book that I will be able to create with less anxiety having already done it before.
So if you’re a nerd like me and looking to learn a little bit about AI and using it for your own workouts, please consider checking it out!