How Unique Are You?
How Unique Are You? Discovering Your Uniqueness Score
In a world of nearly 8 billion people, we can sometimes feel like just one in a crowd. But when we dig a little deeper, our specific experiences, personality, and goals start to reveal something extraordinary: each of us is truly unique, often in ways we haven’t fully realized. Curious to discover just how rare you are? Try using a specialized prompt designed for ChatGPT (included below) to uncover your unique traits one question at a time. Each answer will bring you closer to understanding your personal “Uniqueness Score”—an estimate of how rare your combination of traits might be compared to everyone else in the world.
Let’s break down why this matters, how to calculate it, and what it might reveal about you.
Why Your Uniqueness Score Matters
Some people might wonder, why does it matter if you’re “one in a million”? For me, it’s about embracing that special mix of attributes that makes you you. Knowing your Uniqueness Score isn’t about feeding your ego; it’s about self-awareness, understanding what sets you apart, and maybe even gaining insight into your goals and values. When you know your rare combination, you gain a better understanding of your personal power and how you might impact the world in your unique way.
The Building Blocks of Your Uniqueness Score
Your Uniqueness Score is essentially a combination of probabilities for specific traits, experiences, and choices. The score doesn’t just depend on one characteristic like your height or job—it’s the probability of all those factors combined. Here are some of the main areas we consider:
Demographics: Age, birthplace, ethnic background, and languages. This is our foundation.
Physical Traits: Height, weight, eye color, and other unique physical features. For example, blue eyes are less common worldwide than brown, so they already add to your distinctiveness.
Personality Dimensions: Are you more introverted or extroverted? Do you prioritize growth or compassion? These personality traits play a huge role in shaping our actions and, ultimately, our uniqueness.
Life Experiences & Skills: Have you spent years mastering a martial art? Are you well-traveled? Unique life experiences are a big one here. I’ve spent years in martial arts and fitness, which puts me in a rare group right there.
Interests and Preferences: Your favorite genres of music or books, hobbies, and niche interests add depth to your uniqueness. Personal development, fitness, and entrepreneurship are at the core of my identity.
Values and Goals: One of the biggest elements of uniqueness comes from our personal values and goals. These are often a driving force behind everything else. For me, values like growth and specific goals like achieving a full front lever or winning a jiu-jitsu gold medal add to what makes me one-of-a-kind.
How to Calculate Your Uniqueness Score
The calculation is about layering these characteristics to see how rare your combination is. Here’s a simple breakdown:
Start with a Single Trait Probability: For example, if you have blue eyes, about 8-10% of the global population shares that trait.
Add in Another Trait: Maybe you’re introverted (roughly 40% globally) and fluent in multiple languages. You multiply these probabilities to get the chances of someone else having that exact combination.
Keep Layering: Add your skills, hobbies, life goals, and more. The result? Each unique trait lowers the probability of finding someone exactly like you.
For example, imagine that after factoring in all these dimensions, you find your combined probability is something like 0.0000004%. In other words, you’re 1 in 250 million. This might sound extreme, but it’s not uncommon for truly unique individuals with a rare combination of skills, traits, and goals.
Using the ChatGPT Prompt to Discover Your Uniqueness
If you’re intrigued and want to see just how unique you are, here’s a prompt you can use with ChatGPT to find out! ChatGPT will ask you questions one at a time, recording each answer and calculating a score to reveal just how unique you are. Simply open up ChatGPT, copy the prompt below, paste and have fun!
ChatGPT Prompt:
Please ask one question at a time from the list below. After each response, record the information and proceed to the next question. At the end, combine the probabilities of each answer to calculate and provide a final uniqueness score, represented as a "1 in X people" estimate (e.g., "You are 1 in 250 million").
Demographic Attributes
What is your age, and in what country were you born?
What are your ethnic and cultural backgrounds?
What languages do you speak, and at what proficiency levels?
Physical Traits 4. What is your natural eye color? 5. How tall are you, and would you describe your body type as lean, average, muscular, or stocky? 6. Are there any unique physical features that stand out, such as birthmarks or a distinctive hairstyle?
Personality Dimensions 7. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your openness to new experiences? 8. Are you generally more introverted or extroverted? 9. When faced with decisions, do you lean toward logical reasoning, emotional consideration, or a mix of both?
Life Experiences and Skills 10. What level of education have you completed, and in what field(s) of study? 11. Do you have any specialized skills, certifications, or knowledge (e.g., martial arts expertise, coding, public speaking)? 12. Have you traveled to many different countries, or do you primarily stay in one region?
Interests and Preferences 13. What are three hobbies or interests that are most important to you? 14. Do you have specific tastes in music, books, or films? Name one or two favorite genres. 15. Are you drawn to any unusual or niche interests (e.g., historical reenactments, collecting unique items, or extreme sports)?
Behavioral Patterns 16. Are you an early bird, night owl, or somewhere in between? 17. How often do you exercise or engage in physical activity? 18. Would you say you prefer a structured daily routine, or do you enjoy spontaneity in your schedule?
Values and Goals 19. What is one personal value that is most important to you (e.g., loyalty, growth, compassion)? 20. What is a major life goal you’re currently pursuing, if any?
Discovering Even Deeper Layers of Your Uniqueness
After calculating your Uniqueness Score, you might be wondering: Is there more to explore? Absolutely. While your initial score captures some powerful insights into your demographic, physical, and personality traits, there’s always another layer. To go deeper, we can use a second round of questions that shine a light on your specific achievements, values, habits, and goals, giving a richer view of what makes you truly one-of-a-kind.
In this follow-up, I’m sharing tips and a set of questions that can help you dig deeper into your uniqueness—and trust me, the answers may surprise you.
Why Explore Additional Layers?
Once you’ve got your base score, you might have already recognized some unique aspects of yourself you hadn’t considered before. But by examining personal milestones, niche interests, and daily habits, you’ll uncover even more about how your individuality extends beyond common traits. This second round of questions focuses on everything from long-term goals to the small, unique habits that make you who you are. It’s a chance to find out what truly separates you from everyone else.
Discover Deeper Layers of Your Uniqueness, One Question at a Time!
After discovering your Uniqueness Score, take it further with these questions that dive into the specific values, achievements, and habits that make you truly unique. This follow-up prompt will bring out deeper layers of your individuality and help you understand what really sets you apart from everyone else.
Instructions for ChatGPT: Please ask one question at a time from the list below. After each response, record the information and proceed to the next question. These questions help users explore more specific values, habits, and goals.
Follow-Up Questions to Explore Deeper Layers of Uniqueness
Values and Aspirations
What is one major life goal you hope to achieve in the next five years?
If you had unlimited time and resources, what skill or activity would you want to master?
What’s a personal value you believe in that you feel is rare or less common among your peers?
Niche Interests and Hobbies 4. Do you have a unique or unusual hobby that others might find surprising? 5. What’s the most unique collection or item you own, and why is it meaningful to you? 6. Are there any uncommon sports, arts, or activities you enjoy that require specialized knowledge?
Daily Routines and Habits 7. Do you have any unusual daily habits that bring you joy or relaxation? 8. How do you spend your free time on a typical weekend, and what’s unique about it? 9. Are there specific rituals or practices you follow each day that make your routine distinct?
Personal Growth and Self-Discovery 10. What’s one unique skill or lesson you’ve learned in the past year that had a big impact on you? 11. Have you ever faced a major life challenge that you feel shaped your identity? 12. What’s a book, quote, or concept that profoundly changed your outlook on life?
Contribution and Impact 13. Do you engage in any activities or work that you feel makes a unique difference in others' lives? 14. What’s one contribution you’ve made to your community, family, or workplace that you’re particularly proud of? 15. How would you describe the unique way you approach solving problems in your personal or professional life?
After answering these questions, ChatGPT will help you reflect on what these responses add to your original Uniqueness Score, revealing even more about what makes you exceptional. Enjoy discovering these deeper layers of individuality!