3 Simple Tips For Time Management
Use a To-Do List
Our brain is an amazing organ. Without it you wouldn't be able to read, write or walk while staring at your phone (STOP!)
Successful people use their brain power to solve problems and create. We all use grocery lists for a reason right? Because we know if we don't we are bound to forget something and we'll be forced to go back to the grocery store.
The same principle applies for anything in life. If there is something you need to do, jot it down on a to do list. No matter what random event happens in your day, when you look back at your list you'll remember what needs to get done!
Todoist is my recommendation but Evernote might be the right first step for you. (Both are free)
Organize Your Day Into Time Blocks
This is an easy way to plan your day and help you work in a flow state. Simply schedule "blocks" of time to work on certain projects. Here's a snippet of mine.
I wake up at 9:30am almost every day. I have until 10:30 to have the dogs walked and breakfast eaten.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays I have a time block for Jiu Jitsu from 11am to 1:30pm. The other days of the week are quality time with my girlfriend and the gym.
Every weekday from 2:30pm to 9pm I work on my karate business. These are when my classes are so that's kind of a no brainer right?
9pm to 10:30 is my time to get home, walk the dogs again, perform a daily chore around the house to help keep it clean. 10:30pm until 1ish is when I work on projects (like this) and decompress with my partner.
Try this out and let me know how it works for you!
3. Delegate Some Tasks
You may think this only works for managers or business owners, but it's important to do in personal relationships as well. My partner is WAY better at cleaning the house than me so she is in charge of that. My contribution is staying on top of the laundry and walking the animals.
Asking for help is something I've struggled with a lot. Before In toxic relationships, whenever I've asked for help and received it, it has been used to guilt trip me into doing things I didn't want to do. It also made me feel weak because now I OWED them something. (I should make a post on this later)
People who you want the best for you will WANT to help you. Obviously you should return the favor and help them when you can as well (or just pay someone) but having others perform tasks that they are good at so you don't have to do it is a great way to cut down on your stress and burnout.
I hope you enjoyed these tips on managing your time! Please share this post with someone else you think might like it, tell me your favorite tip in the comments and join our community by hitting the following us on instagram @Average_Ninja